It is a spectacular circuit in the core of the rainforest, where you can visit hidden lakes among the vegetation, that can be enjoyed by the whole family.
Duration: One day
Distance: 35 kms
Enabled: Summer, Autumn, Spring
Description tour: Laguna Las Corinas
To reach the beginning of the path you have to travel by car along the Provincial Road Nº 48 leading to Hua Hum International Pass until Yuco, which is a spectacular bay ideal to spend the day, with sandy beaches, Arrayán trees and green water.
The path to Laguna Las Corinas begins on the right hand of the road, opposite the sign board indicating the location of the Park Ranger's House. The entrance is very easy to locate.
Firstly you will face a continuous rise that leads to a very humid forest of ferns and mosses. There are a few signs on the trunks, that are very useful to find the direction of the track. Where you see number 3, there is a small detour on the right, which leads to a small lagoon called Los Coipos. If you choose to go this way, take into account half an hour more of walk. It is worth visiting it if you have time.
Returning to the main path, you will be able to enjoy among the vegetation a spectacular panoramic view across the surrounding landscape and Lácar Lake.
After half an hour walk you will find Laguna Corina Grande, hidden among the forest and the Colihue canes on the left. It is characterized by a charming landscape, the silence of the environment and the road that borders the lagoon on the right.
Laguna Corina Chica
You have to walk for fifteen more minutes, and you will find the path where you have to go back to point number 6 and turn right. Be careful because the beginning of this path is not as clear as the main one.
You will face a short ascent, and then the way descends to the lagoon, smaller than the previous one but also beautiful and magical.
The return will be using the same way that you used to arrive.

Office: Secretaría de Turismo - Av. San Martín y Juan Manuel de Rosas
Opening hours: 7:00hs a 14:00hs
Phone: 02972-425500