» San Martín de los Andes » Tourism » Planning your trip » Getting Here » International Passes - International Passes: Carirriñe

This international pass connects the Chilean cities of Panguipulli and Coñaripe with the Argentine cities of Junín and San Martín de los Andes.

Carirriñe International Pass

Even if this pass is greatly affected by weather changes, especially in winter, and the road is not in very good driving conditions, local residents go through it quite often, usually in 4WD vehicles.

You can drive from Panguipulli to this pass on international route CH 201 (gravel).

It is located 53 kilometers (33 mi) from the city of Coñaripe. On the Argentine side you have to drive 50 kilometers (31 mi) on provincial route RP62 (gravel) to the city of Junín de los Andes, and then a similar distance on national route RN234 (paved) to the city of San Martín de los Andes.

The road is surrounded by a spectacular natural landscape, where you will be able to observe different signs of volcanic activity like hot springs, a solidified lava river… This circuit runs through the very heart of Lanín National Park.

The pass is only open in summer. Since there is no customs office, an authorization to cross the border is required to exit the country of Chile. This authorization needs to be requested in advance at the International Police headquarters in Chile (address: Avenida Ramón Picarte 2582, city of Valdivia).

It is located at 1215 mts (3986 ft) above sea level and it is open from 8 am to 8 pm.


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